math.erfcinv() function

The math.erfcinv() function returns the inverse of math.erfc().

*Output data type: Float*

  1. import "math"
  2. math.erfcinv(x: 0.42345)
  3. // Returns 0.5660037715858239



The value used in the operation. x should be greater than 0 and less than 2. Otherwise, the operation will return NaN.

*Data type: Float*

Special cases

  1. math.erfcinv(x: 0) // Returns +Inf
  2. math.erfcinv(x: 2) // Returns -Inf
  3. math.erfcinv(x: <0) // Returns NaN
  4. math.erfcinv(x: >2) // Returns NaN
  5. math.erfcinv(x: NaN) // Returns NaN