3.6. Mailers

  1. It is possible to send email alerts when the state of servers changes.
  2. If configured email alerts are sent to each mailer that is configured
  3. in a mailers section. Email is sent to mailers using SMTP.


  1. Creates a new mailer list with the name <mailersect>. It is an
  2. independent section which is referenced by one or more proxies.

mailer :

  1. Defines a mailer inside a mailers section.


  1. mailers mymailers
  2. mailer smtp1
  3. mailer smtp2
  4. backend mybackend
  5. mode tcp
  6. balance roundrobin
  7. email-alert mailers mymailers
  8. email-alert from test1@horms.org
  9. email-alert to test2@horms.org
  10. server srv1
  11. server srv2

timeout mail

  1. Defines the time available for a mail/connection to be made and send to
  2. the mail-server. If not defined the default value is 10 seconds. To allow
  3. for at least two SYN-ACK packets to be send during initial TCP handshake it
  4. is advised to keep this value above 4 seconds.


  1. mailers mymailers
  2. timeout mail 20s
  3. mailer smtp1