书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.011 秒,为您找到 264 个相关结果.
  • FaaS Provider

    faas-provider Interface Official Providers Kubernetes Provider faasd providers Docker Swarm Provider (deprecated) faas-memory (example) Community Providers faas-provider ...
  • 12. Faas

    优点 缺点 Faas 无状态 冷启动 事件驱动 低成本、按需收费 需要配合 Baas 使用 Baas Faas 和 Baas 的区别 阿里云 Faas 实践 使用 Serverless 框架 小结 参考资料 Serverless,即无服务架构。是指由第三方云计算供应商以服务的方式为开发者提供所需功能,例如数据库、消息,以及身份验...
  • FaaS-函数即服务

    FaaS-函数即服务 FaaS-函数即服务 FaaS(Functions as a Service)函数即服务,FaaS是无服务器计算的一种形式,当前使用最广泛的是AWS的Lambada。 现在当大家讨论Serverless的时候首先想到的就是FaaS,有点甚嚣尘上了。FaaS本质上是一种事件驱动的由消息触发的服务,FaaS供应商一般会集成各种同步...
  • FaaS-函数即服务

    FaaS-函数即服务 FaaS-函数即服务 FaaS(Functions as a Service)函数即服务,FaaS是无服务器计算的一种形式,当前使用最广泛的是AWS的Lambada。 现在当大家讨论Serverless的时候首先想到的就是FaaS,有点甚嚣尘上了。FaaS本质上是一种事件驱动的由消息触发的服务,FaaS供应商一般会集成各种同步...
  • Manage secrets

    Manage secrets Create Update List Delete Manage secrets The OpenFaaS CLI allows you to create, update, list and delete secrets using faas-cli instead of Docker or Kubernete...
  • Manage secrets

    Manage secrets Create Update List Delete Manage secrets The OpenFaaS CLI allows you to create, update, list and delete secrets using faas-cli instead of Docker or Kubernet...
  • GitLab

    CI/CD with GitLab Build with .gitlab-ci.yml Build functions for your team or whole instance CI/CD with GitLab CI/CD can be achieved in a number of ways. This page outlines ho...
  • GitLab

    CI/CD with GitLab Build with .gitlab-ci.yml Build functions for your team or whole instance CI/CD with GitLab CI/CD can be achieved in a number of ways. This page outlines ho...
  • Intro

    Intro CI/CD with OpenFaaS OpenFaaS Cloud (easiest option) Use the native faas-cli GitLab GitHub Git examples with Jenkins Pipeline GitHub Actions Intro CI/CD with OpenF...
  • Installation

    Installation Linux or macOS Windows Environment variable overrides Running faas-cli with sudo Docker image Building from source Tutorial: learn how to use the CLI Instal...