Choosing a Lisp Implementation(选择一个 Lisp 实现) Choosing a Lisp Implementation(选择一个 Lisp 实现) The first thing you have to do is to choose a Lisp implementation. This may seem like ...
“Hello, World,” Lisp Style(Lisp 风格的 “Hello, World”) “Hello, World,” Lisp Style(Lisp 风格的 “Hello, World”) No programming book is complete without a “hello, world” program. As it ...
“Hello, World,” Lisp Style “Hello, World,” Lisp Style No programming book is complete without a “hello, world”7 program. As it turns out, it’s trivially easy to get the REPL to...
11.10. Emacs lisp programs 11.10. Emacs lisp programs Please refer to the “Debian Emacs Policy” for details of how to package emacs lisp programs. The Emacs policy is availabl...
Getting Up and Running with Lisp in a Box Getting Up and Running with Lisp in a Box Since the Lisp in a Box packaging is designed to get new Lispers up and running in a first-r...
They Called It LISP for a Reason: List Processing(LISP 名字的由来:列表处理) They Called It LISP for a Reason: List Processing(LISP 名字的由来:列表处理) Lists play an important role in Lisp—for r...
Where It Began(Lisp 的诞生) Where It Began(Lisp 的诞生) Common Lisp is the modern descendant of the Lisp language first conceived by John McCarthy in 1956. Lisp circa 1956 was design...
Getting Up and Running with Lisp in a Box(安装和运行 Lisp-in-a-Box) Getting Up and Running with Lisp in a Box(安装和运行 Lisp-in-a-Box) Since the Lisp in a Box packaging is designed to g...
S-expressions As Lisp Forms S-expressions As Lisp Forms After the reader has translated a bunch of text into s-expressions, the s-expressions can then be evaluated as Lisp code...