
Argo CD has two type of installations: multi-tenant and core.


The multi-tenant installation is the most common way to install Argo CD. This type of installation is typically used to service multiple application developer teams in the organization and maintained by a platform team.

The end-users can access Argo CD via the API server using the Web UI or argocd CLI. The argocd CLI has to be configured using argocd login <server-host> command (learn more here).

Two types of installation manifests are provided:

Non High Availability:

Not recommended for production use. This type of installation is typically used during evaluation period for demonstrations and testing.

  • install.yaml - Standard Argo CD installation with cluster-admin access. Use this manifest set if you plan to use Argo CD to deploy applications in the same cluster that Argo CD runs in (i.e. kubernetes.svc.default). It will still be able to deploy to external clusters with inputted credentials.

  • namespace-install.yaml - Installation of Argo CD which requires only namespace level privileges (does not need cluster roles). Use this manifest set if you do not need Argo CD to deploy applications in the same cluster that Argo CD runs in, and will rely solely on inputted cluster credentials. An example of using this set of manifests is if you run several Argo CD instances for different teams, where each instance will be deploying applications to external clusters. It will still be possible to deploy to the same cluster (kubernetes.svc.default) with inputted credentials (i.e. argocd cluster add <CONTEXT> --in-cluster --namespace <YOUR NAMESPACE>).

Note: Argo CD CRDs are not included into namespace-install.yaml. and have to be installed separately. The CRD manifests are located in the manifests/crds directory. Use the following command to install them:

  1. kubectl apply -k\?ref\=stable

High Availability:

High Availability installation is recommended for production use. This bundle includes the same components but tuned for high availability and resiliency.

  • ha/install.yaml - the same as install.yaml but with multiple replicas for supported components.

  • ha/namespace-install.yaml - the same as namespace-install.yaml but with multiple replicas for supported components.


The Argo CD Core installation is primarily used to deploy Argo CD in headless mode. This type of installation is most suitable for cluster administrators who independently use Argo CD and don’t need multi-tenancy features. This installation includes fewer components and is easier to setup. The bundle does not include the API server or UI, and installs the lightweight (non-HA) version of each component.

Installation manifest is available at core-install.yaml.

For more details about Argo CD Core please refer to the official documentation


The Argo CD manifests can also be installed using Kustomize. It is recommended to include the manifest as a remote resource and apply additional customizations using Kustomize patches.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Kustomization
  3. namespace: argocd
  4. resources:
  5. -

For an example of this, see the kustomization.yaml used to deploy the Argoproj CI/CD infrastructure.


The Argo CD can be installed using Helm. The Helm chart is currently community maintained and available at argo-helm/charts/argo-cd.

Supported versions

For detailed information regarding Argo CD’s version support policy, please refer to the Release Process and Cadence documentation.

Tested versions

The following table shows the versions of Kubernetes that are tested with each version of Argo CD.

Argo CD versionKubernetes versions
2.11v1.29, v1.28, v1.27, v1.26, v1.25
2.10v1.28, v1.27, v1.26, v1.25
2.9v1.28, v1.27, v1.26, v1.25